MFA Thesis Exhibition, April 6-9, 2024
Fosdick-Nelson Gallery, Harder Hall, Alfred University
My MFA Thesis Exhibition, Process Blue, was a collection of eight framed cyanotype prints, a displayed working sketchbook— the pages of which were changed over the course of the exhibition, two large scale collaged cyanotype prints hung directly onto the wall, and a selection of twenty-five mixed media woodcut and cyanotype prints. This body of work is emblematic of the culmination of my thesis research produced over the course of two years while attending Alfred University, and embodies the direction which my artwork is heading.
This exhibit was shown alongside my MFA peer Micah Alhadeff, and it was installed early April 2024, with the opening reception on April 6th, 2024.
A title card displayed at the beginning of the exhibition read:
Process Blue is a reference to a specific color of printmaking ink comprised mostly of cyan. It’s also a reference to the act of processing grief. This body of work was made in memoriam to honor the deaths of my grandmother who died in September of 2019 and mother who died unexpectedly in November of 2023. Printmaking has always been a meditative and therapeutic way for me to work through life’s challenges.
During the last two years at Alfred University, I’ve been able to explore new printmaking processes like cyanotypes and woodcuts printed on the offset press. Having access to these facilities has allowed me to incorporate my sketchbooks into my work and tell more personal stories.